About Us

Dr. Jonathan DeShaw has expertise in the areas of whole-body vibration, ergonomics, motion analysis, medical patient transport, and inertial motion capture. He earned an MS and PhD in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Iowa, as well as a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Iowa State University.
Dr. DeShaw has authored and co-authored many published peer-reviewed academic articles on human whole-body vibration topics including: measurement and data analysis techniques, discomfort, posture analysis, immobilization efficacy, and supine patient transport.

Dr. Eric Frick has expertise in the areas of inertial motion capture, signal processing, modern control theory, and optimization. He earned an MS and PhD in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Iowa, as well as a BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Notre Dame.
Dr. Frick has published several peer-reviewed academic articles, and his dissertation focused on developing biomechanical models to capture the complex nonlinear components of human motion.

Combined Years of Experience in the Field